Salvador Mendoza

If you are not making something or inspiring something, you are doing something… wrong.


Funny, beautiful, interesting and inspiring published things relating my work.

“Too h4x0r to be taken seriously!” – Dani

“and again, Mendoza got the “first”. The first pm3 emv transaction. With full provided standalone. It may be “classic” attack, but never been that “normal” nor that easy. This is the very start of something great. Thx for the work.” – Colin Brigato

“Salvador Mendoza esta cabrón, porque ademas de ser muy brillante, sabe transmitir muy chingón ese conocimiento.” – Mauro PM

“Right around this time, Salvador Mendoza released his research about attacks on Samsung Pay tokens, inspiring me to concentrate on Apple Pay.” –  Tim Yunusov

First wireless credit card skimmer?

“In other words, this is credit card skimming on a whole new level.” – Zack Whittaker for Zero Day

“I’ve seen Mendoza’s research, and watched the videos, and it seems like he’s got a pretty airtight case, that’s for sure,” said security expert Jonathan Sander

The findings, which were presented at the recent Black Hat hacker conference in Las Vegas, have been played down by Samsung which said it was aware of the researcher’s claim but assured users such a hack is “extremely unlikely” to occur in real-life. – Jason Murdock

“El último día de la pasada edición de ekoparty guardaba algunos ases bajo la manga. Uno de ellos fue Salvador Mendoza con su charla Samsung Pay: Números Tokenizados y sus Fallas, donde demostró ante un público entusiasmado que es posible robar tokens de autorización para realizar compras sin restricción desde otro dispositivo.” – Denise Giusto Bilic